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We spent 11 days in China mostly in the city where Malia was born.

Sites included the Yellow Crane Tower and the Hubei Provincial Museum in Wuhan, Hubei Tongshan YinShui Cave (Second resource) and the Underground Military Project 131
The Yellow Crane Tower in WuhanYellow Crane Tower, WuhanMalia at Yellow Crane TowerYellow Crane TowerMalia on top of Yellow Crane TowerYellow Crane TowerBeckie at Yellow Crane TowerView from Yellow Crane TowerView from Yellow Crane TowerAt Yellow Crane TowerBeckie, inside Yellow Crane TowerYellow Crane TowerView from Yellow Crane TowerCrane statue at Yellow Crane TowerYellow Crane TowerMalia & BeckieMalia & BeckieRestaurant in WuhanLunch in XianningLunch in Xianning, Monday 6/24